Invoice and deliver


As an Alberta liquor manufacturer, you use invoices to track sales and give licensees an easy way to pay AGLC for your products.

  1. You issue invoices to licensees for the wholesale price of your products; the wholesale price includes the invoice price, markup, GST, recycling fee and container deposit
  2. After you submit your sales invoice, AGLC will pay you the invoice price; the invoice price is what you are ultimately paid for your product and it includes all of your costs plus your profit

Don't submit your invoices to AGLC. All your sales information is captured in your sales invoice, but keep copies of your invoices in case AGLC requests them.

Invoice requirements

AGLC has an invoice template you can use. You can also use your own invoices as long as they have the following:

  • a statement that the customer will pay AGLC (“Payable to the Alberta Gaming, Liquor & Cannabis Commission”)
  • AGLC's GST Registration Number: R124072513
  • a unique invoice number that increases with each invoice, in case AGLC needs to see your invoices to verify that all sales are accounted for
  • the total GST, listed separately
  • the licensee's name and licence number
  • both the order date and the ship date, if there is a price change between these dates, the price will be based on the order date

Deliveries and receiving payment

You can't deliver your products until the licensee pays for them.

Licensees can pay for your products using certified funds. These include:

  • online payments made directly to AGLC, this is the preferred payment option; AGLC will send you an email when the payment is received
  • certified cheques (made payable to AGLC)
  • bank drafts or money orders (made payable to AGLC)
  • cash

To pay with uncertified funds (such as a regular cheque), licensees must have a bank guarantee. You can find the bank guarantee amount in the Licensee Listing, which AGLC emails to you every month. The amount listed as the guarantee amount is the weekly limit of uncertified funds that the licensee can pay AGLC. You cannot accept uncertified funds from a licensee without an adequate guarantee amount.

Note: The Licensee Listing only lists the licensees that have bank guarantees. To verify whether a licence is valid, use AGLC's Liquor provider search service.

Depositing cash and cheques

If you accept cash or cheques for your sales, you must submit two extra forms to AGLC within one day after you deposit the money. Both forms are in the same Deposit Slip spreadsheet:

  • Form 117: Use this form to track your payments received and deposited
  • Deposit Slip: Use this form to record your bank deposit details


  1. Go to the BMO location that you chose as your preferred location
  2. Deposit the money into AGLC's BMO account using the Deposit Slip form
  3. Get a stamped copy of the Deposit Slip or a teller's receipt from your bank
  4. Fill out Form 117
  5. Email both forms to; Form 117 in Microsoft Excel format and either the Deposit Slip or the teller's receipt scanned as a PDF file