Report sales to AGLC

Your sales report submissions track your sales and credit transactions. Send this information to AGLC electronically, using the Liquor Sales Application (LSA). To do so, you have two options available:

  1. Upload your sales file into LSA.
  2. Manually enter your sales within LSA.

When your sales submission is cleared against its licensee payment (or credit), you will receive payment for your sales.


  • The Thursday 3 p.m. deadline for sales submissions to the Liquor Sales Application (LSA) has been removed. Instead, sales submissions into LSA will be processed daily after midnight.
  • Licensee payments should continue to be made using the correct warehouse payment code, licence number and exact dollar amount. Retail Liquor Store Handbook section 5.7.2 states that payments must be warehouse-specific, with a separate transaction for each order placed, by invoice, under a specific licence number. For any payment errors, please contact with details.
  • Daily payment deadlines are as follows:
    • Online banking payments are due at the end of the bank business day. 
    • Bank of Montreal deposits for cash and cheques collected on behalf of AGLC are due at the end of the bank business day.
    • Cheques delivered to AGLC offices are due at 12 p.m. 
  • Typical clearing times for payments or credits against sales invoices are within two-three business days.
  • Consignment payments will be made twice per week, increased from once per week.
  • Consignment payments for sales invoices cleared Friday-Tuesday will be processed on Wednesday for Thursday payment.
  • Consignment payments for sales invoices cleared Wednesday-Thursday will be processed on Friday for Monday payment.


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Liquor Services