Convert or extend your licence

Convert your licence

As a liquor manufacturer, if you have a Class A licence, you might want to change from one Class A licence to another. For example, you might have a Class A Manufacturer Taproom licence and want to change it to a Class A Minors Allowed licence.

To convert your licence, contact your AGLC Inspector at In most cases there are no forms or fees required.

Extend your licence

If you hold a Class A or Class D (Manufacturer Off-Sales) licence, you might need to extend your current licences to let you do certain things. Common extensions are:

  • Class D Manufacturer Off-Sales licence holders: An extension that lets you sell your products at approved farmers' markets or approved artisan markets; you'll need a separate extension for each market you sell at
  • Class A or B licence holders: a Patio Extension that lets you serve alcohol on an approved patio at your facility
  • Class A or B licence holders: a Caterer's Extension that lets you provide food and liquor at events away from your licensed premises
  • Class A or B licence holders: an extension that expands your area for serving alcohol, such as other rooms within the same complex

To request an extension, email inspections.mailbox@aglc.caRequests should be placed at least four weeks in advance. Your Inspector will notify you via email if your request was approved or denied.


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