Get paid

When you submit your sales in the Liquor Sales Application (LSA), the AGLC system validates your submission against registered products and licensees. A confirmation message will pop up if your sales submission has no errors and is complete.

The Thursday 3 p.m. deadline for sales submissions to the Liquor Sales Application (LSA) has been removed. Instead, sales submissions into LSA will be processed daily after midnight. For details, see an overview of the payment process.

Payment process

To understand how the payment process works, you need to know the difference between the wholesale and invoice prices.

  • The invoice price is the amount you will be paid for your product. This price should include all of your costs plus your profit.
  • The wholesale price is what other licensees (such as liquor stores, bars and restaurants) pay for your product; this is the invoice price plus recycling fee, excise duty (if applicable), provincial markup, GST and container deposit, all of which are collected by AGLC.

Selling to another licensee

As an Alberta small liquor manufacturer, you are not selling directly to a licensee when you sell to another licensee (such as a liquor store, bar or restaurant). Instead, you are selling to AGLC.

The payment process looks like this:

  1. The other licensee pays the wholesale price to AGLC directly.
  2. You submit your sales invoices in the Liquor Sales Application (LSA).
  3. AGLC will match your sales submission to the licensee payment and deduct the markup, GST, recycling fee and container deposit from the wholesale price paid.
  4. AGLC pays you the invoice price.

Selling to yourself

If you have a Class A or D licence, you can buy your own products from your Class E licence. However, you're not selling directly to your Class A or D licence, when you do so. Instead, you're selling to AGLC.

AGLC treats the time of the sale as when the product is purchased by your Class A or D licence. Therefore, only product that has been purchased can be moved physically from the Class E licence to the Class A or D licence.

The payment process looks like this:

  1. Your Class A or D licence pays the wholesale price directly to AGLC
  2. You submit your sales invoices in LSA
  3. AGLC will match your sales submission to your Class A or D payment and deduct the markup, GST, recycling fee and container deposit from the wholesale price paid
  4. AGLC pays your Class E licence the invoice price

Empty keg deposits

There are three ways for manufacturers to get their deposits back from their empty kegs:

  1. If you distribute through Connect Logistics Services (CLS), you can use CLS's Keg Deposit Program (KDP).
  2. If you self-distribute, you can use the AGLC invoicing process.
  3. If you self-distribute, you can also manage a keg deposit program of your own.

See Refundable Empty Keg Deposits tip sheet or more details about each option.


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Liquor Services