Grants and finances

Alberta Export Support Fund

Grant program to help export-ready Alberta companies access new international markets.

The Export Support Fund eases the cost of exporting for Alberta's small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) by reimbursing up to 50% for a select range of approved export activities, such as:

  • Registration at select tradeshows
  • Specific travel costs
  • Accommodation in a standard room
  • Translation of marketing materials


See the Program website for details.

Alberta Investor Tax Credit

Are you an Alberta small business looking to develop or commercialize a new technology?

The Alberta Investor Tax Credit helps Alberta businesses attract venture capital and angel investment by offering a 30% tax credit to investors who provide equity capital to small businesses.


See the Program website for details.

Value Added & Agribusiness Program

This program provides enterprises with financing to start, develop and grow their businesses. The loan can be used to:

  • Start, expand, purchase or upgrade facilities, equipment, or other capital assets needed for your business
  • Fund training costs that support new or expanded operations or products and change of ownership

See the Program website for details and application information.

Agri-business and Agri-food Financing

This program is offered through Farm Credit Canada (FCC). It provides specialized financial services to food processors and manufacturers, wholesalers and distributors, input providers, equipment manufacturers and dealers. It offers term and cash flow financing as well as venture capital options.

See the FCC website for more information.

Government Services for Canadian Businesses

The Government of Alberta and the Government of Canada have partnered to share information about business support programs.

You can learn about your options at

You can also call a Business Advisor at 1-800-272-9675 (toll-free) to get one-on-one advice and business referrals.

Business Development Bank of Canada

The Business Development Bank of Canada is a financial institution owned by the Government of Canada. It offers business loans and advisory services to help Canadian businesses grow, both at home and abroad.

Through its subsidiary, BDC Capital, it also offers a full spectrum of specialized financing, including venture capital, equity and growth and business transition capital. Financing is available to expand production, purchase new equipment or for a special project.

See the BDC website for more information.

Community Future Business Loans

Community Futures Alberta provides rural Alberta companies flexible and affordable loan products that are specifically designed to support small business growth.

Loans range from $500 to $150,000. They include startup, new market expansion, or technology or process update funds. Each loan is tailored to meet the client's business needs and loan decisions are made locally and quickly.

They also offer free business advice and counselling, low-cost business coaching and other business development programs.

See the Community Futures Alberta website for more information.

Canadian Agricultural Partnership (CAP)

A five-year, $3 billion federal-provincial-territorial investment in the agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector.

See the Canadian Agricultural Partnership website for more information.

Farm Energy and Agri-Processing Program (FEAP)

The Program is designed to encourage energy management which will result in cost savings, energy conservation, and ultimately, reduced greenhouse gas emissions.

See the Farm Energy and Agri-Processing Program website for more information.