AGLC/BCMB system setup

You've just been licensed. Now what?

Note: You cannot start the AGLC/BCMB system setup process until you receive your liquor licence from AGLC.

You can start production as soon as you’re licensed. But before you can sell your products, you must set up your business with AGLC systems.

Liquor manufacturers are responsible for registering their alcohol containers directly with the Beverage Container Management Board (BCMB).

You must do the following:

  1. Add your business to the Liquor Agency Portal (LAP)
  2. Register alcohol container with BCMB (if required)
  3. Register at least one product in LAP
  4. Complete your banking forms
  5. Submit a sample invoice to confirm your setup is correct

You must register your container before you can complete your first LAP product registration

You cannot start selling your products until all of these steps are completed. Your AGLC contact will let you know when you have completed the requirements and can start selling.

This process usually takes about four weeks. To check your AGLC setup status online, go to Check your AGLC setup status.

Add your business to the Liquor Agency Portal

The Liquor Agency Portal (LAP) is used to register new products and change product prices.

For your initial setup in LAP, you need to:

  1. Get a username and password from AGLC
  2. Register as a new supplier
  3. Register your first product

Get a username and password

  1. Complete the Liquor Agency Portal Delegated Admin Request form; the form will be emailed to you by AGLC.
  2. Submit the form to; your username and password with be sent within two business days
  3. Sign in to LAP and change your password

Register as a new supplier

As a Class E Manufacturer, you are both a “Supplier” and an “Agency” in LAP. Within LAP, letters much be attached that:

  • register you as a supplier
  • confirm your agency setup
  • indicate who should be paid


  1. Sign in to LAP
  2. Under the Forms tab, download the "Letter of Authorization" and the "Letter of Understanding"
  3. Edit the letters as needed and save them onto your computer; since you are both the Supplier and the Agency, you will complete both of these letters as yourself
  4. In LAP, choose the New Product Registration tab
  5. Under the Supplier tab, choose "Add New Supplier"
  6. Attach both letters where indicated

Note: You can start registering products as soon as you attach these letters. However, your product registrations will be "pending" until AGLC staff reviews and approves the letters.


Contact Product & Pricing

Register your first product

After you register as a supplier in LAP, begin adding your products. You must register at least one product right away as you'll use this product when submitting the sample invoice to complete AGLC systems setup.

Steps to complete

  1. Sign in to LAP
  2. Choose the New Product Registration tab and complete the required information
  3. Complete the remaining tabs

Note: Adding the rest of your products can take several weeks, while banks can take up to two weeks to approve your banking forms. It is recommended to fill out banking forms and send them out for approval before adding the rest of your products. 


Contact Product & Pricing

Complete your banking forms

As a manufacturer, you will regularly do the following:

  • make deposits to AGLC for your sales
  • receive payments from AGLC for your products

You must make arrangements between your and AGLC's bank to allow these transfers.

Tip: Banking forms can take up to two weeks to be approved, it's recommended you submit them as early as possible.

Deposit Outlet form

Other licensees (such as bars, liquor stores or restaurants) might pay for your products with a cheque or bank draft made out to AGLC. When this happens, deposit those funds in AGLC's BMO bank account. The Deposit Outlet form gives instructions to BMO for your future deposits into AGLC’s bank account.

You do not have to have an account with BMO, but choose a BMO location that is most convenient for you.

  1. The Deposit Outlet form will be emailed to you by AGLC
  2. Complete the highlighted fields
  3. Scan the completed form
  4. Email the scanned copy to

AGLC submits the form to BMO on your behalf. 

AGLC will contact you when BMO has processed your form which typically takes 5 -10 business days.

Online payment form

If you have a Class A or Class D licence for selling your products directly to consumers, you must purchase your own product from your Class E licence, to sell at your premises.

To do this, you must be able to pay online with one of AGLC’s participating banks.

  1. AGLC will email you the Electronic Liquor Payment application (i.e., online payment form)
  2. Complete the form and email to

Electronic Funds Transfer Request form

After you submit a sales report, you will receive payment from AGLC. To receive payment, you must set up an Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) with AGLC.

  1. AGLC will email you the Electronic Funds Transfer form
  2. Email a scanned copy and a void cheque (or a bank letter for direct deposit) to


For questions about the Deposit Outlet form or setting up online payments with your bank, contact

For questions about the Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Request form, contact

Submit a sample invoice

To finish AGLC systems setup, submit a sample invoice. Doing so confirms that the sales information you provided is correct, complete and is compliant with AGLC's systems.

AGLC uses invoices to track customer orders throughout the sales process:

  • As a liquor manufacturer, you will issue invoices to AGLC licensees for the wholesale price of your product
  • Licensees who buy your product will use this invoice to pay AGLC
  • AGLC will then pay you the invoice price (not the wholesale price) after you submit your sales report; for more details on how pricing works, see Price your products

AGLC has a Sample Invoice template you can use or you can also use your own invoices, as long as they ask for the same information. For details, see Invoice and deliver.

Tip: You typically won't submit invoices for actual sales (unless AGLC requests them). Instead, you'll submit sales reports.

Steps to complete

  1. Download and complete the Sample Invoice template; for help filling out the fields, see the Instructions tab of the Sample Invoice
  2. Email your completed Sample Invoice to


  • use a registered product to complete the invoice
  • use the wholesale price (not the invoice price)
  • use the correct recycling and deposit rates for your product

Note: If your product is a keg and is registered with no deposit, change the recycling and deposit amounts in the "Rate" column to zero. Do not change the formula amount in the left column, which affects the GST calculations.


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